

There is some technical terminology or usage in Aikido, which is meaningless when directly translated into English.


2016/05/16 改訂

合気道用語  話題集  合気道探求英会話  技法目次


番号 合気道探求 英語表現と解説  【工事中】
概要 合気道探求39号(2010年1月)から「英語で合気道」が始まりました。

 ・探求 たんきゅう: quest 探求,追求,探し求める
 ・探究 たんきゅう: inquire,study,investigate,do research in 見極める,研究する
     たつひとの合気道場の 「合気探究会 【T 150416】







 ・humid: 湿気がある
 ・hot and humid: 蒸し暑い
 ・muggy: 蒸し暑い
 ・sticky: べたつく

 ・heatstroke: 熱中症
  ・have a heat stroke: 熱中症になる

 ・sweat: 汗をかく,発汗する/汗,発汗
 ・perspire: 汗をかく,発汗する
  ・perspiration: 発汗
   ・Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

 ・precaution: 対策,予防,予防策,予防措置,用心,警戒
 ・prevention: 防止,予防,防止策,予防策,予防薬

 ・back acke: 腰痛

(31)両手取り天地投げ 裏
 You stand face-to-face, taking the mutual stance.
 When uke grabs both of your wrists,

 bring your back foot to the side of his/her body,

 pivot on the foot,

 spreading your arms with one hand going downward and the other upward,

 bring your back foot expansively forward, and turn you upper arm downward,

 throwing him/her onto the mat.

 ・pivoi on: 転換する





 You stand face-to-face with uke, taking the mutual stance.

 When uke grabs both of our wrists,

 Bring your back foot to the side of his body,
 spreading your arms with one hand going downward and the other upward.

 Step further into the rear side of uke.

 Turn your upper arm downward from finger tips, throwing him onto the mat.

 ・mutual stance: 相半身
 ・reverse stance: 逆半身
 ・rear side: 側面,後ろ側






(25)肩取り二教 裏

 You, tori, stand face-to-face with uke.

 When uke grabs your shoulder, you deliver an atemi blow to his chin.

 Step to the side of his body, bringing his arm down with the side of your hand.

 Grab his wrist.

 Pivot in a tenkan movement, turning over his wrist and elbow in a circular motion.

 You lock the wrist of uke against your shoulder, bending your wrist and elbow.

 Pivot backward again, bring uke facedown to the mat.

 Kneel /ール/ down with his shoulder between your knees, and lock its joint.

 You grip the hand of uke with your thumb pressing the base of his thumb and your fingers on the other side of his hand

 ・lock: 極める
 ・facedown: うつ伏せに




 ・講習会: workshop, seminar
 ・受付:  registration desk
 ・更衣室: changing room

(20)肩取り二教 表

  Uke grabs your shoulder.

  You deliver atemi to the face.

  You bring his arm down with the side of your right hand.

  You grasp his hand.

  You turn over the wrist and elbow with your shoulder.

  You bring down his arm to the mat.

  You kneel down on the mat with his shoulder between your knees and lock the shoulder.





 ・体調が悪い: out of condition
 ・練習の相手: partner
 ・けがなど: I've had a back pain.
         I sprained my ankle, I sprained my wrist. I sprained my back.
         I injured my leg.
         My sprained wrist has been painful.
 ・様子を見ましょう: Let's see how you feel.


  Your opponent raises his arm to deliver a blow to the side of your head.

  You step aside and pivot outside, bring his arm down with the side of your hand.

  You slide sideways in an irimi movement, neutralizing the attack with the side of your hand
  and delivering atemi with the other, right hand.

  You grasp the wrist of his hand with both hands.

  You step forward to his front in an irimi movement, swing your arms upward.

  You step behind him, pivot in tenkan movement, swinging your arms upward.

  You bring him down to the mat.

 ・横面に:  to the side of the head
 ・手刀で:  with the side of your hand
 ・体を開く:  pivot outside
 ・側面に入身する: slide sideways in an irimi mobement
           slide rightward, slide leftward
 ・当身を入れる:  deliver atemi, deliver an atemi blow
 ・制する:  neutralize





 Special Training Opportunity
 Tony S Shihan (7th Dan) will be in Sydney for one night on Wednesday 21 March.
 He will conduct a class at the Sydney Dojo commencing at 7.15pm.
 A great opportunity not to be missed.


  Your opponent grabs the wrist of your right hand.

  You quickly step forward to his front,putting your left hand on the wrist of his left hand.

  You quickly step forward to his backside,putting your left hand on the wrist of his left hand.

  Pivot and turn in a tenkan movement, bringing your arms upward.

  Bring his arm to the mat using gravity.

  You keep a proper posuture to the end.




 昇級昇段審査: grading

 Adult Kyu Grading Sunday 27 May 2012
 A kyu grading will be held on Sunday 27 May 2012 at 10.40am,
 immediately following Sensei GL's class at Leichhardt Dojo which starts at 8.30am.

 Students intending to grade should have their forms completed, signed
 by their instructor and submitted to Area Representative by Tuesday 20 March.

 Any students who are intending to grade should complete the kyu grading form, ensure
 that the student's regular instructor has approved the grading application
 and signed and sent the form to Area Representative, prior to the Sunday class.

 Sit in line.

  Raise your right arm overhead.

  Deliver a straight blow to opponent's head.

  You quickly step behind the opponent.
  You quickly step behind the opponent's backside.
  You quickly step behind the opponent's blindspot.

  You fully step behind the opponent.

  Lead him to the tip of your right shoulder

  Make a tenkan movement.

  Throw him down.

  Throw him downward.

  Lead him down to the mat.




  Rotate your shoulders.
  肩を後へ回す:cricle back   肩を上下する:up-down,lift-lower


  Strech the Achilles tendon.

  Twist your body to the left and to the right.

  Exheil down: 腕を下げながら息を吐いて
  Inheil up:腕を上げながら息を吸う

  Hold it.

  Raise your right arm overhead.

  Deliver a straight blow to opponent's head.

  Move fully towards the center of his body.(十分に)
  Move properly towards the center of his body.(きちんと)
  Move quickly towards the center of his body.(すばやく)

  Hold the opponent's elbow and wrist.

  Bring down the opponent's arm and step forward.

  Bring down the opponent's arm to the mat.

  Hold the opponent's arm to the mat.

【裏の動きの表現: 裏に転換しながら極め落とす】
  Quickly step behind the opponent.
  Quickly step behind the opponent's backside.
  Rotate clockwise on the ball of the foot.(時計方向へ)
  Pivot clockwise on the ball of the foot.
  Swivel clockwise on the ball of the foot.
  Rotate anticlockwise on the ball of the foot.(逆時計方向へ)
  Sweep the other leg behind you.(足を背面にまわす)   At the same time, bring down the opponent's arm.

  手刀: the side of his hand
  降下螺旋らせん状に: in a descending spiral
  二教で手首を決める: lock the wrist



  How long have you been practicing Aikido?

  What grade are you?
   I have a second kyu. (二級です)
   I've just promoted to a second dan. (二段になったとこです)
   I have a sixth dan. (六段)


(6)受身 protective falling
  これは「free fall」「natural drop」「gravity」です。



 武道: martial arts
 開祖: founder
 合気道をする: practice aikido

 Bow /バゥ/ to the front.

 Bow to Sensei.

  半身: oblique stance,triangular stance,on-guard position 防御の構え

  踏み出す: step forward,move forward.
  後ろへ下がる: step backward,move backward
  横に動く: step sideways,move sideways,step aside,slide sideways
  斜めに動く: step diagonally,move diagonally.
  回転・転回する: turn,rotate,pivot,swivel
  体を開く:  pivot outside.

Aikido (Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Japan Publications 1985)
The New AIKIDO Complete (Yoshimitsu YAMADA, Lyle Stuart 1981



本ホームページの作成者・管理者: 高橋達人 (Doctor T)